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Dress Code

School principals maintain the right to determine extremes in styles of dress, grooming, appropriateness and suitability for school wear.  The following dress code polices are in addition to the guidelines outlined in the parish handbook:


  • Clothes are to be free of language and graphics referring to alcohol, drugs, sexual innuendo and inappropriate activity.
  • No student may wear, possess, use, distribute, display, or sell any clothing, jewelry, emblem, blade, symbols, sign, or other things that are evidence of affiliation in any gang.
  • Shorts may be worn as long as they meet the length requirement: While standing erect with arms extended down, the length of shorts must come to the tip of fingers or below or not more than 5” above the knee.
  • Jeans, pants, and shorts are not allowed to have holes that expose the underlying skin between the waist band and 5 inches above the knee all the way around.
  • Body-piercing ornaments are limited to the ears and nose, limited to one stud. No septum piercings allowed.  Methods to hide the piercing will not be allowed and disciplinary action will occur.
  • An acceptable, well-groomed haircut will be required of all students.  Sculptured hair styles that include pictures, symbols, letters, numbers, or hair in curlers, rollers, or excessively teased, etc., will not be permitted.
  • Pajama pants are not allowed.
  • Writing across the backside or front side of any type of pants or shorts is not allowed.
  • Hats, bandanas and caps are banned. They will be confiscated and returned to a parent or guardian only. Refusal to turn over the item will result in disciplinary action. Repeat behavior will result in confiscated items not being returned until the end of the school year.
  • Only Pearl River High School and feeder school attire will be permitted on campus.
  • Hoodies are not to be worn on the head inside the school buildings at any time.
  • Hoodies are not to be worn on the head outside unless there is inclement weather.  School administration will determine if there is inclement weather. 


  • Sleeveless shirts or cut off shirts are not allowed.

  • Board shorts and bathing suits are not allowed.
  • Pants must be secured and worn at the waist.


  • Tank tops, strapless tops, spaghetti strap tops, racer back shirts or shirts with a strap less than 4 fingers wide are not allowed. Tops are also to be appropriate fit and coverage (no half shirts or mesh shirts).
  • Tights, leggings, jeggings, yoga pants, etc. are NOT allowed - unless covered with an appropriate outer garment (skirt, shorts, dress) OUTER GARMENT MUST cover to fingertip length in the front and back and of appropriate fit.

*** Failure to follow dress code policy will result in disciplinary action.  The administration reserves the right to require a student to change their attire or to have attire brought to them at school until it is deemed appropriate. The student must call parent from the front office and report to the ISS room until they can change their attire. If these measures are not followed, the student will remain in ISS for the remainder of the school day.