Policies and Procedures
Student Handbook
- Class Sponsors
- Mission and Vision Statements
- Policy Statement
- Parental Involvement Policy
- Attendance
- Medication Policy
- Health Records
- Visitors to Campus
- Check-Out Procedures
- Lunch Check-Out/Check-In
- Check-Out Procedures- Exam Week
- Grading Practices
- Schedule Changes/Drops
- Withdrawal
- Textbooks
- Chromebooks
- Guidance
- Fees
- Cafeteria
- Outside Food and Drink/Deliveries of Food
- Messages and Deliveries to Students
- Buses
- Student Parking Rules, Regulations and Areas
- Dress Code
- IDs
- Hall Passes
- Book Bags
- Lockers
- Telephones
- Electronic Devices
- Library Policies
- Campus – Student Accessible Areas/Unauthorized Areas
- Closed Campus
- Student Insurance
- Posters
- Emergency Closing of School
- Fire Drills, Lock Down Drills, and Tornado Drills
- Disciplinary Infractions/Consequences
- Disciplinary Consequences Explained
- Elastic Clause
- School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS)
- Dances/Lock-In
- Field Trips
- Athletic Eligibility
- Sports, Clubs, and Organizations
Class Sponsors
Mission and Vision Statements
Mission Statement
The Mission of Pearl River High School is to provide a high-quality education for all students, resulting in life-long learners and graduates who are prepared to solve today’s problems and meet tomorrow’s challenges.
Vision Statement
Our vision is to provide an exemplary school, widely respected for high standards, first-rate performance, and outstanding student achievement. Pearl River High School values and supports a strong partnership between educators, students, families, and the community to help ensure that:
- Students have safe, caring environments for learning;
- Students are positively challenged, enriched, and inspired;
- Students learn to be self-motivated life-long learners, to prepare them for life’s pursuits
- Students learn to be responsible and contributing members of global society.
Policy Statement
It is the policy of Pearl River High School not to discriminate in its educational programs or activities on basis of sex, race, color, religion, or national origin. It is most important for parents and students to realize that all courses and any school sponsored programs or activities offered at this school are open to both boys and girls, and no distinction based on gender is made in the placement of students in courses.
Parental Involvement Policy
Pearl River High School welcomes all parents to get involved by:
- Joining the Parent/Teacher/Student Association (PTSA)- this is a great way to stay in touch with the school and your child’s activities.
- Becoming a Parent Volunteer at school by calling (985) 863-2591.
- Attending sporting events and extra-curricular activities in which your child participates.
- Checking your child’s JPAMS/Google Classroom each day.
- Requesting a conference with your student’s teachers by calling (985) 863-2591.
- Contacting the school if you have any questions or concerns for your student by calling (985) 863-2591.
Types of Absences and Attendance
There are three types of absences a student may obtain: Type One: Excused; Type Two: Unexcused; and Type Three:
Suspensions/Expulsions. A student who is absent, including a suspended student, shall be allowed to submit missed
assignments and tests, and shall be eligible to receive the same academic credit and grades originally available when
work is completed satisfactorily. The number of days allotted for make-up work is equal to the total number of
consecutive school days the student was absent. After the student receives the missed assignments, the student has the
same number of days to complete the work as the number of days missed.
Type One Absence: Excused
Excused absences are not considered for purposes of truancy, including absences incurred due to extenuating
circumstances and will not be counted against students in determining whether a student meets attendance
requirements. There is no limit to the amount of excused absences a student can incur. (you can find a list of excused absences in the District Handbook:
Type Two: Unexcused Absences
Unexcused absences are any absence not meeting the requirements set forth in the excused absence definition,
including but not limited to absences due to any job (including agriculture and domestic services, even in their own
homes or for their own parents or tutors) unless it is part of an approved instructional program. These absences count
against the student when determining whether the student meets attendance requirements.
Type Three: Suspensions/Expulsions
Suspensions/Expulsions are absences in which a student is not in attendance in the regular instructional setting due to
disciplinary actions imposed by the school. The absence is not considered for purposes of truancy unless the student
was assigned to an alternative site and is not in attendance at the assigned alternative site. These absences count
against the student when determining whether the student meets attendance requirements and truancy; if the student
was assigned to an alternative school, but was not in attendance.
Absences Procedures
Excuses for all absences must be presented in writing to the school principal or designee within 48 hours of the absence.
The note must include the student’s full name, days of absence, reason for absence and/or doctor’s verification,
parent/guardian signature and date of signature. Failure to send the note within 48 hours will result in an unexcused
In elementary through junior high school, when a student accumulates their third (3), fifth (5) and tenth (10) unexcused
absence, notification will be made to the parents/guardians that their child may have to make up seat time based on the
number of unexcused absences accumulated. Students who have 10 or more unexcused absences will be required to
make up seat time and their missing assignments in order to retain their credit.
In high school, when a student accumulates their third (3), fifth (5) and tenth (10) unexcused absence in a semester
notification will be made to the parents/guardians that their child may have to make up seat time based on the number
of unexcused absences accumulated. Students who have 5 or more unexcused absences in a semester will be required
to make up seat time and their missing assignments in order to retain their credit.
Participation in Extracurricular Activities
Students must be present for at least half of the school day in order to participate in school-sponsored extracurricular activities on that day.
“M” Days/College Days
Students participating in school-approved activities (“M” days), which necessitate a student being away from school, shall be considered present and shall be given the opportunity for make-up work. The administration reserves the right to limit the number of “M” days assigned to a student. Make-up policy applies. Seniors will be given no more than two college days documented by an official letter from the school stating the student attended on a specific day.
A notification letter will be sent to the parents/guardian after three (3) days of unexcused absences.
Truancy Consequences
Students that are truant and have not completed seat time, will be prohibited from attending Homecoming, Prom, and Senior Activities.
ACT 745
A copy of Act 745 form will be sent to the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance when unexcused absences accumulate to five (5). ACT 745 gives monetary fines, community service and imprisonment to parents and legal guardians whose children are habitually tardy and absent from school. These measures will be decided upon under the jurisdiction of the St. Tammany Parish School Board and enforced by the Offices of Child Welfare and Attendance. For extenuating circumstances – see the STPSB Discipline Handbook.
When absent, students are expected to keep up with their work by logging into each teacher’s Google Meet and Google Classroom for assignments, homework, test dates and deadlines.
ACT 688
ACT 688 authorizes, subject to the adoption of school board policies, the denial or suspension of driving privileges to a minor who fails to meet compulsory school attendance requirements and has withdrawn from school or is habitually absent or truant.
Attendance - Seat Time Sessions for Credit Recovery
All students must make up seat time for all Non-exempted absences over the 5 day limit per semester. Students who exceed the attendance regulation at the end of the semester and fail to recover seat time through attendance recovery sessions will be denied credit in the course. Students in danger of being denied credit due to excessive absences may be allowed to make up missed time in sessions held outside of the regular class time. The After School/Saturday makeup sessions must be completed before the end of the current semester with a completed seat time log which is the student’s responsibility, while also meeting all other policies. Copies of the Seat Time logs can be found at pearlriverhigh.stpsb.org. Any student who does not complete his/her attendance recovery sessions will be denied credit.
2:40 to 3:25 Tuesday-Thursday in classrooms designated by the principal. Students must sign in, sign out, and get their seat time log filled out.
8 a.m. to 12 noon in the school library (dates TBA). Students must sign in, sign out and get their seat time log filled out.
Attendance- Make-Up Policy
If a student is absent, he/she is responsible for all work missed. The student should make appointments with the teachers to make certain what work has to be made up. The make-up period is equal to the number of days missed – UNLESS THE PARENT REQUESTED MAKEUP WORK PRIOR TO THE STUDENT’S RETURN AND THEN THE WORK IS DUE ON THE DAY THE STUDENT RETURNS TO SCHOOL.
Long-Term Assignments
Long-term assignments are required to be turned in on the day due regardless of the reason for absence. A long-term assignment is defined as an assignment given by a teacher at least two weeks prior to the due date.
Tardy Policy- Late Arrival to School/Tardy to Class
All students are expected to arrive to school in a timely manner. When a student arrives late to school, he/she must report to the front office and check-in. The secretary in charge of attendance (Ms. Noggerath) will issue a tardy slip to the student and record check-in time in JPAMS.
TARDINESS TO SCHOOL will be dealt with in the following manner:
- Students will receive a maximum of 6 free tardies to school for the entire school year regardless of the reason. Excused or not excused will not be determined and no consequence will be administered, but the tardy will be documented.
- On the 7th tardy: students will receive an after-school detention. A student shall be considered habitually tardy to school after the fifth occurrence within a semester. The administration will report any student considered habitually tardy to the supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance as required by state law.
- On the 8th tardy, the student will receive a Saturday detention.
- On the 9th tardy and thereafter, the student will receive administrative discipline.
- On the 9th unexcused tardy, the student will also lose his/her parking privileges.
- Tardies to school are excused only if the student checks-in with a doctor/dental note, a mandatory court appearance note, or a truancy hearing note. For the tardy to be excused, documentation must be provided upon arrival to school. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Medication Policy
As a general guideline, medications are not to be given at school. There are circumstances that require students to take medication at school. When this is necessary, proper documentation is necessary and St. Tammany Parish School Board Medical Policy is adhered to. This policy is in the St. Tammany Parish Students Disciplinary Handbook given to each student at the beginning of the school year. Contact the front office at (985) 863-2591 with any questions.
Health Records
Visitors to Campus
Check-Out Procedures
- A student can only be checked out if a parent/guardian or person listed on the emergency card comes to the school. Phone calls will not be accepted. A valid picture ID must be presented by the parent/guardian or person listed on the emergency card to check out a student.
- Students on a work program or students who are on early release do not need to check out, but need to sign out in the front office. In all other cases, parents or guardians must check out students.
- Students should only be checked out of school when absolutely necessary.
- Students are not allowed to check out and leave for lunch.
- A student may be excused to check out for the following reasons:
- personal illness
- doctor’s appointment
- court/truancy appearance.
- Students will be permitted to contact home only in case of emergency or illness. The front office secretary will call the parent or guardian for the student.
- Students who are ill will be allowed to check out. The teacher will call the front office and the secretary in charge of attendance will call home for the parent/guardian to pick up the student. If the parent or an authorized person cannot be reached, the student will remain in school.
- Student who leave school without properly checking out are considered as “skipping” and will be referred to an administrator for appropriate action. See discipline for skipping a class or leaving campus without permission.
- If a student returns to school the same day after checking out, he/she must go through the front office and check in. Teachers will check the time on the student check-in slip to make sure that no more than five minutes have elapsed. If more than five minutes have elapsed, the teacher must assign a tardy detention or the student should be referred to an administrator for misconduct/tardiness.
- Notes from home to allow a student to check out will not be accepted.
- Excessive check outs will be addressed by the administration.
Lunch Check-Out/Check-In
Students are to remain on campus during the lunch period. Due to the possibility of missing valuable class time, students are discouraged from checking out at lunch. If a student must check out during the lunch period in order to attend a doctor, dental or scheduled appointment, that student is to return to school with documentation of the appointment when checking back in to school. Phone checkouts are not permitted. Students who must be checked out will be called at the end of lunch.
Excessive lunch check out/check-ins will be addressed by the administration.
Check-Out Procedures- Exam Week
Students must be in the study period to take the exam during the regular exam time. Students are not allowed to check out on nine weeks test days, midterm exam days, final exam days, or state testing days. In the event that a student must check out, a parent or guardian must come to the school to have the student released. If the student misses an exam due to absence or check-out, the student must have a medical excuse in order to make the exam up on the makeup day. Only the principal can approve the scheduling of an exam at a time other than the regular exam time. Seniors who are exempt are to arrive at school for the exam period needed and are not to roam or remain on campus when not taking an exam.
Grading Practices
There shall be a minimum of nine assessments for each student during a nine-week period excluding the nine week exam. A variety of assessments shall be included (i.e., portfolios, journals, written tests, projects, checklists, writing samples, interviews, observations, and anecdotes). All assessments shall be fair and reasonable as determined by the principal or his designee.
The course syllabus shall reflect the performance standards and homework requirements. The degree to which homework will play a part in the overall grade shall be communicated to the student and parent verbally, in writing, or on the teacher’s Google Classroom. Each assessment shall count for no more than 1/9th of the total nine-week grade.
Student Progress Center
Student progress can be monitored by going to the school website at: http://pearlriverhigh.stpsb.org/ and clicking on the link for the Student Progress Center. Use Student Number and PIN Number to access student information – this was mailed to you. If assistance is needed, contact the school at (985) 863-2591.
Grading Scale/Policy -State Uniform Grading Policy
A = 93-100
B = 85-92
C = 75-84
D = 67-74
Interim Reports/Report Cards
Interim reports indicating student progress are issued in the fifth week of each nine-week grading period. These reports are used to communicate with students and parents on how the student is progressing in his/her classes. Report cards are issued at the end of each nine-week session.
See school website (pearlriverhigh.stpsb.org).
Cheating is defined as giving or receiving help in any phase of a class assignment, test, homework, report, project, exam, etc. A student caught cheating on any assignment or test (giving or receiving information), will receive a zero and/or disciplinary action.
Schedule Changes/Drops
The procedure for withdrawal is as follows:
- Secure authorization in writing from parent/guardian.
- Obtain a withdrawal form from the office.
- Have the form filled out by teachers, librarian, counselor, and bookkeeper, making sure all books, and uniforms are returned and all fines/fees paid.
- Return completed form to the office.
All textbooks issued to students are the property of the St. Tammany Parish School System. Students are expected to take good care of their books. If a book is not returned by a student when the session ends or when he/she withdraws from PRHS, or when a book is lost or damaged beyond use, the student/parent must pay the replacement cost of the book.
All Chromebooks issued to students are the property of the St. Tammany Parish School System. Students are expected to take good care of their Chromebooks. If a Chromebook is not returned by a student when the session ends or when he/she withdraws from PRHS, or when a Chromebook is lost or damaged beyond use, the student/parent must pay the replacement cost of the Chromebook. Students that do not pay for damages or lost Chromebooks, will not receive a new Chromebook and possibly face legal issues. The STPSB Chromebook Responsible Use Agreement and the STPSB Student Device Damage Coverage Form can be found by going to: http://pearlriverhigh.stpsb.org/chromebookusepolicyenglish.pdf
It is highly recommended to purchase the $20 Chromebook Insurance.
Fees can be paid by going to www.mypaymentsplus.com for a variety of school related fees including Lunch/Breakfast, Chromebook Insurance, school fees, club dues, yearbook, and other expenses.
Meal prices:
- Breakfast – Paid $0.75
- Lunch- Paid $1.55
- Breakfast- Reduced $0.30
- Lunch- Reduced $0.40
To pay for lunch and/or breakfast go to www.mypaymentsplus.com
The Pearl River High cafeteria serves breakfast from 7:05 a.m.-7:25 a.m. each day. Lunch is served starting at 11:18 a.m.
Outside Food and Drink/Deliveries of Food
Students are allowed to bring their lunch to school. No food or drink from restaurants or fast food establishments are to be brought on campus or delivered to students during school hours.
Students are not allowed to bring food or drink into the classrooms, gym or library. Students who attempt to receive delivered food from a visitor will face disciplinary action. Due to health and behavioral concerns, energy drinks are not permitted on campus.
Messages and Deliveries to Students
The driver of the bus has complete responsibility for the bus and the students. Students should be respectful at all times to the bus driver and adhere to his/her instructions. Students that do not follow the rules on the bus will be reported to an administrator and disciplinary action will occur up to removal from the bus. Any student who wants to transfer buses for one day must have their parent call the office or the student must bring a note to the Front Office before school to be verified during the day. Once verified, the principal/designee will sign the note and the student is to give it to his/her bus driver. Students will not be allowed to ride any bus other than his assigned one if parent permission is not verified.
Student Parking Rules, Regulations and Areas
Students who drive to school and park on campus are required to register their car with the administration and MUST have a parking sticker to park on campus.
To purchase a parking sticker, a student must have a valid driver’s license, registration papers for the vehicle, proof of insurance and a PRHS Parking Regulations form filled out. (Form can be found at the bottom of this section)
Parking sticker will cost $10.00 per year and must be purchased from an administrator.
Parking permits will only be sold for the number of student parking spots available starting with Seniors then Juniors and so on.
Parking sticker must be secured on the passenger’s side windshield so it is clearly visibly from the exterior of the vehicle and not hidden by anything.
Students are to park in the assigned student parking areas and are not to park in reserved spaces belonging to faculty/staff/visitors or painted spots.
Parking in an unauthorized area will result in a ticket and/or disciplinary action.
Any student parking on campus without a current parking sticker will receive a parking ticket -
$10 first offense, $20 second offense, $30 third offense, etc; and disciplinary action.
Students will not be allowed to go to their cars during the school day unless they are escorted by the school resource officer or has permission from a school administrator.
Students must exit their vehicle upon arrival to campus and are not allowed to loiter in the parking lot.
Any student that receives more than 2 suspensions during the school year will lose parking privileges for the remainder of that school year.
Loud music is not to be played on car stereos while entering, exiting or parking on campus.
Violations of parking regulations may lead to suspension of parking privileges and/or disciplinary action.
On the 9th unexcused tardy/11th unexcused absence during the school year, the student will receive administrative discipline/loss of parking privileges for the school year.
Dress Code
School principals maintain the right to determine extremes in styles of dress, grooming, appropriateness and suitability for school wear. The following dress code polices are in addition to the guidelines outlined in the parish handbook:
- Clothes are to be free of language and graphics referring to alcohol, drugs, sexual innuendo and inappropriate activity.
- No student may wear, possess, use, distribute, display, or sell any clothing, jewelry, emblem, blade, symbols, sign, or other things that are evidence of affiliation in any gang.
- Shorts may be worn as long as they meet the length requirement: While standing erect with arms extended down, the length of shorts must come to the tip of fingers or below or not more than 5” above the knee.
- Jeans, pants, and shorts are not allowed to have holes that expose the underlying skin between the waist band and 5 inches above the knee all the way around.
- Body-piercing ornaments are limited to the ears and nose, limited to one stud. No septum piercings allowed. Methods to hide the piercing will not be allowed and disciplinary action will occur.
- An acceptable, well-groomed haircut will be required of all students. Sculptured hair styles that include pictures, symbols, letters, numbers, or hair in curlers, rollers, or excessively teased, etc., will not be permitted.
- Pajama pants are not allowed.
- Writing across the backside or front side of any type of pants or shorts is not allowed.
- Hats, bandanas and caps are banned. They will be confiscated and returned to a parent or guardian only. Refusal to turn over the item will result in disciplinary action. Repeat behavior will result in confiscated items not being returned until the end of the school year.
- Only Pearl River High School and feeder school attire will be permitted on campus.
- Hoodies are not to be worn on the head inside the school buildings at any time.
- Hoodies are not to be worn on the head outside unless there is inclement weather. School administration will determine if there is inclement weather.
Sleeveless shirts or cut off shirts are not allowed.
- Board shorts and bathing suits are not allowed.
- Pants must be secured and worn at the waist.
- Tank tops, strapless tops, spaghetti strap tops, racer back shirts or shirts with a strap less than 4 fingers wide are not allowed. Tops are also to be appropriate fit and coverage (no half shirts or mesh shirts).
- Tights, leggings, jeggings, yoga pants, etc. are NOT allowed - unless covered with an appropriate outer garment (skirt, shorts, dress) OUTER GARMENT MUST cover to fingertip length in the front and back and of appropriate fit.
*** Failure to follow dress code policy will result in disciplinary action. The administration reserves the right to require a student to change their attire or to have attire brought to them at school until it is deemed appropriate. The student must call parent from the front office and report to the ISS room until they can change their attire. If these measures are not followed, the student will remain in ISS for the remainder of the school day.
Students in grades 9-12 are required to wear a student school ID on a lanyard around their neck during regular school hours. The student ID card is made for each student at the beginning of the school year. The ID is not to be defaced or cut in any way (no stickers, pins, photos, markings, writings, embellishments). The tag is to be on the outermost garment of clothing with the front of the ID shown at all times. Students are not allowed to wear another students ID.
Temporary ID’s
Temporary ID’s may be purchased through the front office at a cost of $1.00 before 1st Bell and are issued for a period of one day. The front office or administrators are the only persons who can issue a temporary ID.
Replacement ID’s/Lanyards
Replacement ID’s may be purchased for a fee of $5 for the first 2 replacements and $10 for any after that. Replacement lanyards can be purchased for $5. The replacement ID’s and lanyards can be purchased through the front office.
***Failure to comply with the ID policy will result in disciplinary action. This includes the lunch period and passing between classes. No advance warnings will be given.
Hall Passes
- Each classroom teacher will implement a bathroom policy
- Every student out of a classroom must have a hall pass in his/her possession.
- Students may not be issued a pass by one teacher to miss another teacher’s class.
- Students out of class without a hall pass will be referred to the administration for the appropriate action.
- Teachers are to refrain from allowing students to go to the bathroom within 15 minutes prior to the end of a class, before the lunch period, before the end of the school day, or during the class period immediately after lunch.
- Students with specific bathroom needs are to bring a note from the doctor to the main office. Teachers will be notified and the note will be kept on file.
Book Bags
Students may request a locker from the front office. Students should only keep their personal belongings and books in their lockers. School lockers are the property of St. Tammany Public Schools. At no time does the School System relinquish its exclusive control of lockers provided for the convenience of students. Periodic inspections of lockers may be conducted by school authorities for any reason, at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant.
Electronic Devices
Personal Entertainment Devices
Personal entertainment devices are not allowed on the school campus. If these items are brought to school they will be confiscated, given to an administrator, and disciplinary action will occur. Confiscated items will be held until a parent or guardian can pick it up from a school administrator during the school hours of 8:00 a.m. – 2:25 p.m.
Smart Watches and ear buds are not permitted on campus.
Cell Phone Policy
Students shall be allowed to possess a telecommunication device (cell phone) on a school campus during the instructional day or on the bus to and from school provided the device is turned to the off position, completely stowed away, and not in use. Stowing of cell phones is defined as being placed in the student’s locker, school bag, pocket, or purse and shall not be displayed in view using any type of clip or other device. If a student is determined to have used a cell phone, or not properly stowed a cell phone, disciplinary action will occur. The cell phone will be confiscated and held until the student’s parent or guardian can pick it up from a school administrator during the school hours of 8:00 a.m. – 2:25 p.m.
Personal Entertainment Devices/Cell Phone Consequences
Consequences for the use of an Electronic Device/Cell Phone (in use/not properly stowed):
- 1st Offense- Confiscate, Parent/Guardian Pick Up, After School Detention.
- 2nd Offense- Confiscate, Parent/Guardian Pick Up, Saturday Detention.
- 3rd Offense- Confiscate, Parent Guardian Pick Up, In School Suspension.
- 4th + Offense- Confiscate, Parent/Guardian Pick Up, Administrative Decision on Discipline.
Refusal to relinquish the device to the teacher/admin./staff will result in a discipline referral “as disrespect” and the student being SUSPENDED. Parent conference required before student can return to class.
Library Policies
- The library opens every day at 6:55 a.m. and closes at 2:40 p.m.
- Students may use the library before school and during lunch.
- Students must check out library materials to be used outside the library. Books may be borrowed for two weeks then renewed if necessary.
- Students should return the books on the due date or before, if possible. A fine of ten cents per school day will be charged on overdue books.
- Books lost or damaged must be paid for by the borrower.
- If a student has an overdue book, he/she may not check out additional books from the library until the fine is paid and the book is returned. Library checkout privileges will be restored when students have paid the fines, returned lost books or negotiated with the librarian and/or principal as to reasons why the fine cannot be paid. The librarian will notify the parent or student in writing regarding overdue or lost books. Written notification must be given at least once each nine weeks when report cards are sent home.
Campus – Student Accessible Areas/Unauthorized Areas
Students are to be in supervised areas during the entire school day.
Students are allowed between the gym and 100 building, on the covered walkways connecting those two buildings, the gazebo area, and cafeteria.
During lunch, all students eating hot lunches must eat in the cafeteria. Students eating take out lunch may eat their lunch in the gazebo area and the patio between the gym and 100 building.
Rainy Days
The gym and the cafe will be open and outside areas will be closed on days with inclement weather.
Unauthorized Areas/Off limits
Unauthorized areas in morning/lunch are the gym, field house, parking lots, Ag/shop area, and any other areas without a duty teacher present. Any student who is found in an unsupervised area will be susceptible to disciplinary action.
Closed Campus
Pearl River High School operates as a closed campus. This means that you may not leave the campus once you have arrived. This includes students who ride the bus or drive to school. Leaving the campus without checking out through the office will result in disciplinary action. Students are not allowed to leave campus for lunch or to receive food (i.e. McDonald’s, Sonic, Subway, etc.) from persons “visiting” the school campus or others.
Students are to clear the campus immediately when the dismissal bell rings.
Student Insurance
Any notices, posters or stickers that a student or club wishes to display on the school campus must have the approval of the school administration. Failure to obtain approval will result in removal of the displayed article and possible disciplinary action. The clubs must immediately remove and clean up displays following the event advertised.
Emergency Closing of School
Fire Drills, Lock Down Drills, and Tornado Drills
Disciplinary Infractions/Consequences
Disciplinary consequences are arranged in a hierarchy (See below). Classroom teachers will develop their classroom policies and may choose to allow input from students. Classroom teachers have a number of consequences at their disposal. Some teachers will issue lunch detentions for a variety of reasons. Lunch detentions are held with that teacher and, in that instance, a student must have a pass from the teacher to enter the classroom building during the lunch period. If a lunch detention is missed, the teacher will issue an after school detention. Teachers may also issue after-school detentions for a variety of reasons (class tardy; dress code; classroom behavior; missed lunch detention; etc.) Administrators uphold the issuance of detentions by teachers.
Minor Infractions/Consequences
- ID not worn per policy/defaced ID
- Dress code violation
- Unauthorized Area violation
- Class disruption/misbehavior (mild)
- Tardy to class period
- Disruption of learning process (mild)
- PDA (mild)
- Disrespect (mild) towards peer(s) Eating/drinking in class
- Technology violation (mild: web surfing, games,etc)
- Not following classroom rules/Missed Lunch Detention
Major Infractions/Consequences: Level I
INFRACTIONS: Including but not limited to:
Cell phone usage/or in sight: The student will be called by an administrator. St. Tammany School Board Policy prohibits the use of cell phones on school grounds. The cell phone will be held until the student’s parent or guardian can pick it up from a school administrator.
- Skipping a class
- Dishonesty/cheating – 1st offense the student receives a zero and the parent/guardian is notified. Additional offenses results in a zero, the parent/guardian is notified and disciplinary action occurs.
- Technology violation
- Failure to attend after-school detention
- Vandalism (minor)
- PDA (repetitive or extreme)
- Smoking/Vaping or possession
- Disrespect towards peer(s) (severe)
- Disrespect towards teacher
- Disruption of instruction
- Habitual violator
CONSEQUENCES: Including, but not limited to:
- Parent contact/conference - After-school detention
- Restitution for destroyed or defaced property
- Saturday detention(s)
- In-School Suspension (ISS)
- Out of School Suspension – every day counts as an unexcused absence. (See attendance)
Major Infractions/Consequences: Level II
INFRACTIONS: Including, but not limited to:
- Fighting
- Theft
- Cheating
- Skipping class/Leaving campus
- Disrespect with profanity towards adult
- Alcohol possession/usage
- Drugs/controlled substance possession
- Harassment of an adult or student
- Vandalism to school property (major)
- Bullying
- Possession of weapon(s)
- Technology violation
CONSEQUENCES: Including, but not limited to:
- Parent contact/conference
- Restitution for destruction of property
- Saturday Detention
- Out of School Suspension
- Recommendation for Expulsion
If two or more students are found in the same stall, they will receive an Out of School Suspension and be searched. If during the search, any of the students are found in possession of an item that is against the law, a school rule, or a School Board policy, then the students will receive multiple days of Out of School Suspension as determined by the Administration.
Search and Seizure
The teacher, principal, school security guard, or administrator may search the person of a student or his/her personal effects when, based upon the attendant circumstances at the time of the search, reasonable grounds exist to suspect that the search will reveal evidence that the student has violated the law, a school rule, or a School Board policy. If a student is found in possession of an item that is against the law, a school rule, or a School Board policy, the student will receive the appropriate disciplinary action and be subject to random searches throughout their time on a STPPS campus.
There is a Zero Tolerance policy at PRHS for bullying of any kind. Cyber bullying, bullying through the web, cell phones, or other electronic devices will be dealt with as severely as verbal and physical bullying. Students who are being bullied are encouraged to seek out a counselor or administrator for assistance. All measures will be taken to protect the anonymity of the person(s) reporting the bullying. Allegations of bullying will be promptly investigated and St. Tammany Parish policies and procedures will be followed.
Public Display of Affection (PDA)
Students are to refrain from physical contact of any kind.
Drivers License Reporting Act 732
Act 732 became effective on January 1, 2004. This act requires that principals notify the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Office of Motor Vehicles, of any student between the age of fourteen and eighteen who has been expelled or suspended from school for ten or more consecutive school days or an assignment to an alternative educational setting for ten or more days for infractions involving the sale or possession of drugs, alcohol, or any other illegal substance, the possession of a firearm, or an infraction involving assault or battery on a member of the school faculty or staff.
***Any infraction not listed will be addressed by following the St. Tammany Parish Public School System District Hand book for Students and Parents.
Disciplinary Consequences Explained
- Held every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:40-3:25.
- Early release seniors must see an administrator to schedule the detention to follow the early release time or they will be considered as skipping the detention if they do not show for the afterschool detention.
- If a student is absent on the day of his/her scheduled detention, the student will serve detention on the first detention day back to school following the absence.
- Students late to detention will not be permitted in and considered a no-show.
- No-show for afterschool detention will result in a Saturday detention.
- Students are required to bring academic work to detention. If no work is brought, an assignment will be given.
- Students are to keep track of their detentions and are to retain the pink signed copy as a reminder.
- Students are to report to detention on the assigned day.
- Students who refuse to sign a detention form will still be required to attend the detention.
- Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation when they have detention.
- Students are responsible for communicating with their parent/guardian with regards to detentions as parents are not called for minor infractions.
- Athletes are expected to serve detentions on the date assigned. Notification to the coach with regards to practice is the responsibility of the athlete. If an athlete has an early dismissal for a game or athletic activity on the day of the assigned detention, it is the athlete’s responsibility to make arrangements for rescheduling with the disciplinarian.
Saturday Detention
- Saturday detentions are held from 8 a.m. – 12 noon in the school library on predetermined dates.
- Students are required to bring academic work or a writing assignment will be given.
- Students are to dress according to the regulations adhered to on a regular school day.
- Students are to arrange for their own transportation to and from Saturday detention.
- A parent call prior to a detention is the only way to reschedule a Saturday detention.
- Students who miss a Saturday detention will be given a one day In School Suspension. Excuses for missed Saturday detentions will not be accepted if arrangements were not made prior to the detention.
- Electronic devices are not allowed to be used during Saturday detention.
- If a student misses Saturday detention, the student’s parent or guardian must contact the school’s administration on the first day back to school. The school administration will determine what action to take after communicating with the student’s parent or guardian.
- If a student is asked to leave Saturday detention due to improper behavior, he/she will receive an In School Suspension.
ISS – In School Suspension –In School Intervention
- Assignment to ISS will be done by an administrator.
- Students will report to the ISS room on the morning of the assignment.
- Students will be given academic work while in ISS.
- The ISS supervisor will enforce the rules of behavior.
- If a student causes problems in ISS, the student will receive an out of school suspension.
- Electronic devices will be placed on the ISS supervisor’s desk and given back to the student at the end of the day.
- If a student is absent for an assigned ISS, the student will serve it on the first day back to school.
At-home suspensions will result in an unexcused absence from school. Students should keep up with their school work while suspended by logging into each teacher’s Google Meet and Google Classroom. The student will be allowed to make-up work as per PRHS makeup policy.
Elastic Clause
School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS)
Pearl River High School has assembled a PBIS system that emphasizes school-wide support that includes proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and recognizing appropriate student behaviors and attendance while creating a positive school environment. There will be opportunities and activities for recognition of those students that consistently demonstrate positive behavior and attendance.
Students are required to arrive and remain at the dance for the duration of the lock-in. Students are not allowed to leave the dance until dismissed by an administrator. Students who leave a dance without permission during the course of the lock-in will be forbidden from attending the remaining dances for that school year and may result in disciplinary consequences.
Students must present their PRHS ID to enter dances. Students are to adhere to school policy while at the dance. Public Display of Affection (PDA) and inappropriate dancing will not be tolerated.
Students are to be dressed appropriately for all school dances. Hats, caps and bandannas are not allowed at dances. The Homecoming Dance is a semi- formal dance and requires boys to wear a tie and long dress pants. Girls are required to wear a dress or nice pants suit. Prom is a formal dance which requires appropriate dress. Inappropriate attire at a dance will require adhering to the directives of the staff or administrator in order to remain at the dance.
Date Pass:
Students not attending Pearl River High School may attend PRHS dances by having their date fill out an Out-of-School Date form, which must be signed by the visitor’s parent and principal.
Students that are no longer in school must be approved by Pearl River High School’s principal. Non PRHS dates must present a valid ID to enter. All date passes must be turned in and approved prior to the night of the dance. Junior High students will not be approved.
Not allowed at a Dance:
Any student with an outstanding financial obligation or has excessive absences or tardies for the marking period will not be allowed to attend the dance. Any student with excessive discipline (OSS/ISS) or on suspension, will be refused admission to the dance.
Field Trips
Field trips are a privilege and as such, students must be in good standing. The student must have the parent permission form signed and turned in prior to the trip. The student’s attendance, discipline and individual classroom teacher reports and grades are criteria that determine if a student is allowed to attend a field trip. Students going on field trips are excused from class and required to make-up all work missed within 2 days of the absence. Students are reminded that they are representatives of PRHS and should dress and conduct themselves as such. Students who are inappropriately dressed for the field trip will be given the option of changing their attire in order to participate or will remain on campus. Any student who causes discipline problems while on a field trip will not be allowed to participate in field trips for the remainder of the school year and may face disciplinary action.
Athletic Eligibility
Eligibility Packet
In order to be eligible to participate in athletics, PRHS must have on file with the Athletic Director a complete LHSAA and STPSB eligibility packet which includes the following:
- LHSAA Athletic Participation Form/Parental Permission Form
- LHSAA Medical History Evaluation and Physical Form
- LHSAA Parent/Student Athlete Concussion Statement Form
- LHSAA Substance Abuse/Misuse Contract and Consent Form
- STPSB Athletic Contract and Authorization/Consent Form
- STPSB Insurance Waiver Form
- LHSAA Residence Eligibility Form )If the student lives outside the PRHS attendance zone, eligibility will be determined)
The student must also provide PRHS with legal proof of age and the principal shall have on file at all time’s sufficient evidence of the legal birth of each student-athlete and evidence of the student’s entry into the 9th grade. A student becomes ineligible for interscholastic athletic participation if he/she has reached his/her 19th birthday before August 1st of that school year.
Scholastic Requirements
First Semester Eligibility:
To be eligible for the 1st semester of the school year, a student shall have earned at least six (6) Carnegie credits from the previous academic year (Fall, Spring, and Summer), which shall be listed on the student’s transcript and shall have earned at least a “C” average as determined by the Local Education Authority within their Pupil Progression Plan when considering all “graded” subjects.
Second Semester Eligibility:
To be eligible for the 2nd semester of the school year, a student must enroll in and successfully pass the number of courses which will allow him/her to earn a minimum of three (3) Carnegie credits for the first semester. Note: This can be accomplished by earning any combination of Carnegie units. Six (6) one-half (.5) Carnegie credits will meet this requirement.
A Senior who has earned 20 units must earn a minimum of four (4) half Carnegie credits or a total of two (2) Carnegie credits at the end of the 1st semester. Seniors will not be penalized for taking more than the minimum number of courses that they need to meet this requirement. In order to maintain eligibility in the 2nd semester, a senior must be enrolled in enough courses which will earn them at least four (4) half Carnegie credits or a total of two (2) Carnegie credits.
Sports, Clubs, and Organizations
Football Coach Collins
Cross Country Coach Cortez
Volleyball Coach Labourdette
Swimming Coach Nave
Girls Soccer Coach Brown
Boys Soccer Coach Folse
Girls Basketball Coach Hursey
Boys Basketball Coach Smith
Wrestling Coach Evans
Powerlifting Coach Bennett
Tennis Coach Grush
Softball Coach Labourdette
Track & Field Coach Collins/Coach Lambert
Cheerleaders Coach Hendrson
Dance Team Mrs. Stroyewski
Chorus/Band Mr. Abadie
Color Guard
JROTC Chief Hazelwood/ Commander Conley
Beta Club Mrs. D'Antoni
Broadcast Ms. Patin
Community Service Endorsement Mrs. Simpher
ESports Club Mr. Roberts
Facta-Non-Verba Mrs. Simpher
Fellowship of Christian Athletes Coach Bourg
Future Farmers of America (FFA) Mr. Mayfield/Mr. Fischer/Ms. Rainey
Gaming Club Mrs. Cortez/Mr. Perkins/Mr. Roberts
Literary Rally Mrs. Kaske
Mu Alpha Theta Mrs. Martin
National Honor Society Mrs. Simpher
Next Generation Mrs. Cutrer
RADD Ms. Patin
SAVE Promise Club Mrs. Krabbenhoft
Student Council Mrs. Nave
Thespian Troup 719 Mrs. Walgamotte
Yearbook Ms. Henderson
School Policies
STPSB Chromebook Responsible Use Agreement
Program Purpose
The St. Tammany Parish School Board (STPSB) 1:1 Chromebooks for Learning deployment is to promote high levels of student engagement for all students. Increasing access to technology is essential to build upon college and career readiness skills. STPSB wants all students to be responsible digital citizens, thrive intellectually, personally, physically, and creatively.
The policies, procedures, and information within this document serve as information for students and parents/guardians. Teachers may set additional requirements for Chromebook use in their classroom. In addition, forms are provided that must be signed by the parent/guardian and student before a Chromebook and account will be issued.
General Information
Acceptable Use Guidelines
Students are responsible for their own behavior at all times in accordance with the STPSB District Handbook for Students and Parents, STPSB Instructional Technology Use Policy and this STPSB Chromebook Responsible Use Agreement. Please refer to the discipline provisions found in the above policies with respect to violations.
Distribution of the Chromebook
Chromebooks will be distributed near the beginning of the school year. The procedure for distribution of Chromebooks will be established at each school.
Logging into a Chromebook
Students will log into their Chromebooks using their school issued account. Students should never share account passwords with others.
Returning the Chromebook
An STPSB Chromebook is being loaned to the student for educational use during the school year. This device is the property of STPSB and must be returned at the end of each school year. Instructions for such will be given at that time. Students with unpaid Chromebook related fines or unreturned Chromebooks from prior school years and/or prior schools will not be issued a Chromebook for the current school year until fines are paid. If a Chromebook is not returned, the parent/guardian will be held responsible for payment in full. It is understood that the intentional failure to return the Chromebook to the school will constitute theft of district property and will be reported as necessary.
Limitation of Liability
STPSB is not responsible for damage or harm to persons, files, data or hardware. Chromebooks employ filtering technologies and other safety and security mechanisms, but there is no guarantee as to their effectiveness. STPSB will not be responsible, financially or otherwise, for unauthorized transactions conducted over the device or the school network.
Digital Citizenship
School-issued Chromebooks should be used for educational purposes, and students are to adhere to STPSB policies and all of their corresponding administrative procedures at all times. While working in a digital and collaborative environment, students should always conduct themselves as good citizens by adhering to the following:
(1) Respect Yourself
I will show respect for myself through my actions. I will select online names that are appropriate. I will use caution with the information, images, and other media that I post online. I will carefully consider what personal information about my life, experiences, or relationships I post. I will not be obscene. I will act with integrity. `
(2) Protect Yourself
I will ensure that the information, images, and materials I post online will not put me at risk. I will not publish my personal details, contact details, or a schedule of my activities. I will report any attacks or inappropriate behavior directed at me while online. I will protect passwords, accounts, and resources. I will not meet anyone in real life that I have met online without parental permission.
(3) Respect Others
I will show respect to others. I will not use electronic mediums to antagonize, bully, harass, or stalk people. I will show respect for other people.
(4) Protect Others
I will protect others by reporting abuse and not forwarding inappropriate materials or communications. I will avoid unacceptable materials and conversations. I will alert a teacher or other staff member if I see threating, inappropriate, or harmful content (images, messages, posts) online.
(5) Respect Intellectual Property
I will request permission to use copyrighted or otherwise protected materials. I will suitably cite all use of websites, books, media, etc. I will acknowledge all primary sources. I will validate information. I will use and abide by the fair use rules.
(6) Protect Intellectual Property
I will request to use the software and media others produce. I will use available free and open source alternatives rather than pirating software.
Note: All students utilizing Chromebooks participate in a Digital Citizenship Unit at the beginning of the school year.
Caring for your Chromebook
The student is responsible for the general care of the Chromebook which has been issued by the school. Chromebooks that are broken or fail to work properly must be reported to a teacher.
General Precautions
- I will insert and remove cords and cables carefully.
- I will not remove any case or cover issued by STPSB.
- I will keep my Chromebook free of any stickers, writings, or drawings that are not the property of the STPSB.
- I will close the Chromebook gently on a flat surface and ensure that there is nothing on the keyboard that could prevent full closure.
- I will not eat or drink near any Chromebook.
- I will not charge external devices using the USB ports on my Chromebook (phones, etc…)
- I will not place any heavy objects or drop any objects on the Chromebook.
- I will not block air flow around the Chromebook when it is on.
- I will not expose the Chromebook to extreme heat and cold, and I will keep them out of direct sunlight or out of any area that could harm them.
- I will not remove or interfere with identification placed on the Chromebook by STPSB, including, but not limited to tags, serial numbers, labels, etc.
- I will not leave my Chromebook unattended.
- I will carry my Chromebook with the lid closed.
- I will keep my device clean to the best of my ability.
Screen Care
- I will use only my fingers to touch the keyboard or screen. `
- I will not spray or wipe my Chromebook with any household cleaning product or wipes. I will use only a soft, dry microfiber cloth or anti-static cloth.
- The hinge of the screen will only open to a slight angle. I will not attempt to open the screen beyond this stopping point as the screen will break if forced.
Preparation and Use
At School
A charging cord will be issued with the Chromebook. Each student is expected to bring a fully charged Chromebook to school every day and bring his/her Chromebook to all classes unless specifically advised not to do so by the teacher. School staff will monitor student usage when students are at school. In addition to teacher expectations for Chromebook use, students will be accessing curriculum information and content-appropriate online information in all classes. Any strategy used to circumvent security settings and filtering technologies including removing the device from the domain is a violation of this policy. External removable devices are prohibited, including USB drives and flash drives.
At Home
Unless otherwise advised by the school’s administration or the program the student is attending, all students are required to take their Chromebook home each night throughout the school year for charging. Chromebooks must be brought to school each day in a fully charged condition. If fully charged at home, the battery will last throughout the day. Repeatedly leaving the Chromebook at home may result in referral to administration and possible disciplinary action. Parents are responsible for monitoring their child’s use of the Chromebook when accessing programs from home. Some sites may be blocked even at home since they are filtered by our System. STPSB makes significant effort to filter objectionable content, but we recommend that parents and guardians remain diligent in observing student behavior when using these devices outside of school. Remember, the Chromebook is an educational tool and should still be considered and used for Educational Purposes only. Some applications can be used while not connected to the Internet.
Students are bound by STPSB policies and all other guidelines in this document wherever they use their Chromebooks.
- While at school, sound must be muted at all times unless permission is obtained from the teacher for instructional purposes.
- Headphones may be used at the discretion of the teacher.
Video Teleconferencing
- Your student may have the opportunity to participate in distance or remote learning via video and/or audio conferencing. As classrooms may operate virtually, observations will also occur virtually which may require recording by the teacher of the virtual or hybrid classroom.
Managing Digital Work with a Chromebook
Google Apps for Education is a suite of applications (word processing, slideshow presentations, spreadsheets, etc.) that allows a user to create different types of online documents. These documents are embedded with tools that allow users to collaborate in real time with other people. A user can store their documents, as well as other files, in the cloud.
- With a wireless Internet connection, one can access documents and files from any Chromebook or mobile device, anywhere and at any time.
- All items will be stored online in the Google Cloud environment.
- All files should be stored in Google Drive, so there’s no need to worry about lost homework.
- STPSB supports the privacy of electronic mail, users must assume that this cannot be guaranteed.
- Students are limited to emailing each other and teachers.
- If a Chromebook needs repairs, it may require a reload of the operating system. This reload will delete all files stored locally on the Chromebook. The student will need to save all needed files to ` their Google Drive.
- STPSB Chromebooks can only use wireless internet connections.
- USB peripherals other than mice, keyboards, and headphones are not permitted
Software on Chromebooks
Originally installed Software:
Chromebook software is delivered via the Chrome Web Store. Some applications, such as Google Drive, are available for offline use. The software originally installed on the Chromebook must remain on the Chromebook in usable condition and easily accessible at all times. From time to time the district may add software applications for use in a particular course. This process will be automatic with virtually no impact on students. Applications that are no longer needed will automatically be removed by the district as well.
Additional Software:
Students are unable to install additional software on their Chromebook other than what has been approved by STPSB.
Damaged Equipment
Accidental Damage vs. Negligence/Intentional Damage Accidents
do happen. There is a difference, however, between an accident and negligence or intentional damage. The price that the District paid for the Chromebook includes: the Chromebook, case and charger. After investigation by school administration, if the Chromebook is deemed to be intentionally or negligently damaged by the student, the student may be subject to discipline and/or the cost of repair or replacement.
The privilege of having a computer comes with a new set of responsibilities and new consequences. Violations of this Chromebook Policy may have consequences, including but not limited to:
- Notification to parents/guardians;
- Suspension of network, technology, or Chromebook privileges;
- Complete loss of Chromebook;
- Detention or suspension from school and school-related activities; and/or
- Legal action and/or prosecution.
Student Device Damage Coverage Program
STPSB offers a Student Device Damage Coverage Program for all participants in the Chromebook program. Coverage must be paid in order to be effective. Parents or guardians who do not purchase the Student Device Damage Coverage WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST OF REPAIRS AND/OR REPLACEMENT OF THE DEVICE at current prices. It is strongly recommended that all students participate in the Student Device Damage Coverage Program. A Device Cost breakdown can be obtained from a school administrator.
*** The device charger and case are not covered under the Student Device Damage Coverage Program.
*** Lost or stolen devices are not covered under the Student Device Damage Coverage Program. A police report must be filed for the student to be issued another device in the event of theft.
The Student Device Damage Coverage may be purchased for single device coverage for each school year. The Student Device Damage Coverage Form should be filled out and returned yearly to indicate whether coverage is elected or not.
The STPSB Chromebook Responsible Use Agreement Form only needs to be signed and returned once. The STPSB Student Device Damage Coverage Form should be signed and completed each year.
Last updated: July 11, 2022
Seat Time
All students must make up seat time for all Non-exempted absences over the 5 day limit per semester. Students who exceed the attendance regulation at the end of the semester and fail to recover seat time through attendance recovery sessions will be denied credit in the course. Students in danger of being denied credit due to excessive absences may be allowed to make up missed time in sessions held outside of the regular class time. The After School/Saturday makeup sessions must be completed before the end of the current semester with a completed seat time log which is the student’s responsibility, while also meeting all other policies. Copies of the Seat Time logs can be found at pearlriverhigh.stpsb.org. Any student who does not complete his/her attendance recovery sessions will be denied credit.
2:40 to 3:25 Tuesday-Thursday in classrooms designated by the principal. Students must sign in, sign out, and get their seat time log filled out.
8 a.m. to 12 noon in the school library (dates TBA). Students must sign in, sign out and get their seat time log filled out.